About the Program Designer

About the Program Designer

Agricultural Consultant Engineer: Talat Othman Abdul Wahhab

Faculty of Agriculture - Alexandria University 1978

Over 25 years of experience in the field of cultivating the field crops under center pivot irrigation system and farm management.

Some of Our Services

  • We provide all agricultural consultations on all crops and vegetables.
  • We provide agricultural consultations in the field of animal production.
  • The crops we work on and manage:

-Cereal grain crops (wheat – barely – maize)

-Forage crops (berseem – surgham Sudanese – Rhodes grass)

-Vegetable crops (potato – onion – garlic – tomato)

  • Conducting many field researches and experiments as follows:

-A research paper on cultivating the wheat in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

-A research paper on nutrients and their role in plant nutrition.

-Experiments on the use of magnetic devices in treating the salinity of the water used in irrigating the agricultural crops.

-Experiments on the use of Gramineae crops in reclaiming the salt-affected lands.

-Experiments on the use of some salinity treatment substances to treat the salt-affected lands.

  • Scientific contributions & training courses:

-Participating in a scientific course with Zeneca Pesticides Co. in England.

-A training course in the field of research and development at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology.

-A training course in advanced administrative skills.

-You can access the link to view the mentioned experiments and researches.